The facebook phenomenon is a version of this topic where you have a social buffer that makes human interaction easier to engage. It seems that with this new standard of communication people are developing an anxiety when put into real life social situations. The texting trend that is ubiquitous today is a direct relation to this idea that people feel safer at a communicative distance. It is much more of a hassle to write a long message than to just call the person, but for some reason we feel the need to text. Why? What does this mean to want the digital space between thoughts? Does a normal conversation with another human contain too much pressure? I will be honest. When I first used AOL chat, I would get on there with my friends just to make fun of people. There was this anonymity that was not to even be reached by the riving prank call. It was great. Now users enjoy a part of that cloaking effect even when talking with their friends. It is almost like your text is a messenger of your mind. And your mind is a mediator of your self. So there are multiple extension of thought going on here, and I think the goal is to seamlessly combine these devices together. We must use the tools of technology to enhance our communicability, not to hinder.